Photos No Longer Cut it for the Corporate Traveler

May 27, 2020

Visuals are how travelers evaluate your inventory. Providing stunning photography builds confidence in your brand and its properties. But still images are no longer the only thing  future residents need or want. They are asking for information and quality, both of which can be provided through virtual tours.

Information Builds Confidence

A virtual tour is one of the most valuable visual tools you can provide potential renters because it provides valuable information that allows them to book confidently. In fact, it has always been important to consider what information guests will need as they evaluate your properties. If your travelers are in charge of finding their own corporate housing solution, they need to see things like bedroom counts and sizes, and whether or not the unit is furnished.

While photos provide some information about how many sinks are in one of the bathrooms, they do not show how far apart the bathroom is from the bedroom. Virtual tours, such as an interactive floor plan tour, show where rooms are in relation to each in addition to whether or not they are furnished.  

Quality That Sells                

When it comes to 3D virtual tours, some solutions are DIY and others are full-service providers. The most important thing to remember when evaluating virtual tour options is quality. A TruFusion 3D Tour is a higher quality than others on the market because the images are clearer thanks to the equipment used and fusion of light within the photos.

Your marketing budget will go further when you are providing a stunning visual representation of your properties that aligns with the rest of the visuals you have carefully selected to showcase your brand. This is the second component to providing information about the property because a stunning 3D tour will enhance the information that is already being provided.

Travelers, and those who assist in relocation, have become smarter shoppers looking for additional information. Virtual tours are becoming the norm because they set proper expectations for your brand and your inventory. Understanding the importance of visual solutions that exceed photography will enable your company to understanding the importance of visual solutions will enable your company to convert lookers into long-term renters.